Whale Watching- Plymouth, MA
On a sunny summer day there are few places better to be than on the water. If while on the water you are able to spot the most majestic of marine mammals, you managed to make a good day even better. Just off the coast of Cape Cod sits one of the most fertile feeding grounds in the Atlantic; with water stocked full of mackerel, herring and krill, a wide variety of whales summer in the area before fleeing south in the fall to mate. Watching the intricate choreography that unfolds when these impressive creatures feed is something not to be missed.

From Plymouth it will take about an hour to reach Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, an 842 square mileĀ federally protected underwater plateau. This kidney shaped raised land mass is significantly shallower than surrounding waters, which causes deep currents to rise when they hit the steep sides of the bank. This upwelling brings up nutrients and minerals from the briny depths; fish are attracted to the area by the nutrients, and in turn the whales are attracted by the fish.

While it is certainly possible to spot whales outside of the plateau, that is where sightings are most likely. On approach, you will almost immediately see your first whale, which is exhilarating. No amount of NatGeo watching will prepare you for the magic moment when you spot your first breach. Excitement only builds as you get closer to the creatures.

Off Cape Cod you are most likely to encounter Humpback, Finback, Minke, Pilot and Right Whales. While you are almost guaranteed to see Humpbacks and Minkes, only a rare few will spot an endangered Right. Humpbacks, usually between 38-50 feet long, need 3000 pounds of food a day, which they can easily find at the plateau.

Humpbacks often engage in what is known as Bubble Net Feeding, where they will take a deep breath, dive deep, then slowly spiral to the surface while blowing bubbles. The bubbles surround the fish, forcing them to the surface in the center of the spiral.

The whale then explodes above the surface, mouth agape, scooping up the unlucky school. Seagulls and other whales are savvy to this behavior, and are close at hand to snatch up any survivors. It is absolutely fascinating to watch this deadly dance.

After about an hour of observation, it is time to head back to shore. Use this time to savor the sea breeze, enjoy a beverage, and delete the overwhelming number of incorrectly timed and blurry pictures you have taken. Hopefully you got a few good ones, as you will absolutely want to share.