
Tapatio Springs Golf Course- Boerne, TX

All hail King George! Truly, George Straight can do no wrong. In addition to having the most number number one hits in country music history, and being an all around good guy, George is part owner of Tapatio Springs, an obscenely beautiful Texas Hill Country golf course. And while the clubhouse recently burned to the ground, the newly renovated golf course was unscathed, and will reopen for business in 2018. And when it does, you should go.

Tapatio Springs
Tapatio Spring

Situated just outside the impossibly cute town of Boerne, this course is an easy drive from San Antonio or Austin. Located in arguably the most beautiful region of Texas, this championship course recently underwent a 2 million dollar restoration, which included reworking the bunkers, installation of new tee boxes, and refreshing greens. The result is a challenging course that is really fun to play.

Hole 3
Hole 3

Being Texas, the land was originally home to a 2100 acre cattle ranch. In 1981, a resort was developed on the property, featuring a conference center and 27 holes of golf. While popular, by 2011 the owners declared bankruptcy, and the property found itself in foreclosure. Fortunately, George Straight, a resident of Boerne, always wanted to own a golf course, and he is the type of person that makes his dreams come true.

Limestone Outcropping
Limestone Outcropping

It was not an easy transition. First, 2012 drought conditions drastically impacted the course, leaving it dry and brittle. It was decided to eliminate nine holes in 2013, and focus on renovating the remaining 18; before any major improvements could be made, a devastating flood damaged the remaining holes. Although many would have called it quits at this point, the new owners pushed on, immediately implementing planned improvements.

18th Hole
18th Hole

Debuting in the fall of 2015, the refreshed course has been well received. It was even named “Most Improved Public Golf Course” by Golf Magazine in 2016, which sounds like a thinly veiled insult, but I can assure it was awarded earnestly. The remaining 18 holes are the best the property has to offer. Some fairways were tight, but none were impossible. The scenery is nothing short of stunning. In sum, a solid course all around.

Elevation Changes!
12th Hole

Tapatio Springs is one of those memorable courses you will definitely want to play again. Hopefully a new clubhouse will be built, and the course will reopen for public play quickly. I have faith that ol’ George has an Ace in the Hole.



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