Front Range Lighthouse- Port Dalhousie, ON
At the end of an unassuming concrete pier in Port Dalhousie stands a 45 foot tapered tower style Lake Ontario lighthouse. Contructed in 1880 to mark the harbor entrance, the square wooden structure is topped with a bracketed platform and original octagonal metal latern.
St. Peters Harbour Lighthouse- St. Peters, PE
Built in 1878, this diminutive little lighthouse has recently been restored. A small, tapered wooden tower with hexagonal lantern, this light has been moved several times, along with the shoreline.
Curtis Island Lighthouse- Camden, ME
Looking like a idealized New England watercolor, the Curtis Island Lighthouse sits at the head of Camden's harbor. First established in 1835, the current brick tower dates to 1896.
Cape Elizabeth Light- Cape Elizabeth, ME
Located on a windswept rocky promontory, the Gothic Revival Cape Elizabeth Light has been protecting Cosco Bay since 1874. Its desolate beauty has been inspiring people for almost as long.
Castle Hill Lighthouse- Newport, RI
Built in 1890 in the Romanesque style, possibly designed by Henry Hobson Richardson himself, the Castle Hill Lighthouse has been an active navigational aide for over 100 years. Nestled into the rocky coastline, in an impossibly scenic location, it guides ships through the East Passage of Narragansett Bay, while also acting as a popular proposal site.